How to Promote Your Health
JWU Health Services suggests following the below guidelines.
External checklist:
- Wash hands often.
- Utilize face coverings/masks if not fully vaccinated.
- Keep a physical distance of 6 feet if not fully vaccinated.
- Follow cough/sneeze etiquette.
- Stay home when sick.
Internal checklist:
- Sleep six to eight hours per night.
- Exercise daily.
- Eat a balanced diet of lean proteins, whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
- Stay hydrated.
- Keep stress levels low by doing something you enjoy every day, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, going outside for walks, etc.
- Consider taking supplements like a multivitamin, Echinacea, probiotic, Vitamins A, C, and E.
- Get vaccinated for the flu when available.
As we prepare to arrive and return to campus, all faculty, staff and students will be asked to monitor their health conditions and journal personal contacts 14 days prior to their arrival to campus. To simplify the process of journaling contacts, members of the JWU community are asked to download the apps CRUSH COVID RI (Providence Campus) or SlowCOVIDNC (Charlotte) or maintain a contact tracing journal to keep track of your contacts.
Each day, all faculty, staff and students reporting to campus will be required to screen their current health conditions by answering the daily COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire, which can be accessed in the JWU Mobile app, jwuLink, or HRpulse. If you receive a green check mark, you will be cleared to be on campus. Students should be prepared to present results from their daily COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire upon request. If a faculty or staff member receives a red check mark, they will need to consult their health care provider and notify their supervisor. Students who receive a red check mark will be asked to reach out Health Services to determine their next steps.